Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Welcome to Penny Fractions. I’m David Turner and this is my newsletter.

The idea of this newsletter is simply to be an outlet for me to go a bit deeper on the streaming music ecosystem. Obviously I've written about them a bit at TrackRecord (Update 1/3/2023: this website is sadly gone and none of the links were backed up...), but my goal is for this space to be a bit more free flowing. I'm 25, I've only worked as a journalist in music, so while this will certainly most be my own loose thoughts, hopefully they'll be informed by constantly talking and asking questions about this particular space.

The format of the newsletter is gonna be 8 week seasons, with a week or two break to catch my breath. Obviously I’m going to be open to criticism, feedback, and suggestions, so hit me here or just reply back!

Anyway, thanks for subscribing and expect a lot of thoughts on YouTube this Wednesday, so be sure this doesn't in up in your spam folder!

SoundCloud has One Last Chance to Monetize — Here’s What It Should Do - The Next Web

Facebook Says It’s Policing Fake Accounts. But They’re Really Easy to Spot. - The New York Times

Spotify Investor Sees Future of Company in Advertising - TrackRecord

Protest Platforms: Music Streaming Cooperative Restores Agency to Artists - Shadow Proof

Bonus Question:
How much would you pay for an “AUTOMATIC POSITIVE REACTION” from these dudes?