Penny Fractions Refreshed

Hello, hope folks are doing well today. Last month, I decided to move Penny Fractions from Revue, which Twitter purchased earlier this year, over to Ghost, an open-source, non-profit newsletter platform. I’ll be completely honest, I was planning on doing a longer post explaining my reasons behind the move. But, unfortunately, I’ve been battling a summer cold over the last week and it’s put me behind on a number of things, including this introduction post. One of Ghost’s big selling points is the ability to make it easier for newsletters to be a business, and since I recently stopped using Patreon, I’m certainly considering what monetization will look like for Penny Fractions on this new platform. That is yet to be determined, but if you’re interested in supporting this newsletter right now, the best way would still be to forward and recommend it to friends and colleagues.

The other bit of exciting personal news I wanted to share with you today is that I’m starting a new role at SoundCloud. I’ll now be reporting to Michael Pelczynski, the man who architected and led the launch of our Fan-Powered Royalties earlier this year. And last week, in support of FPR, Portishead uploaded a charity Abba cover to SoundCloud. I’m very excited to work more closely with Mr. Pelczynski on this and other initiatives coming out of the company.

Back to Penny Fractions: if you’re reading this via e-mail, please do check out the new Penny Fractions website. I expect it to go through a number of updates and changes over the rest of 2021, but one small thing I’m excited about is that I can now properly tag posts, so if you want to find all of my writing on Spotify or TikTok, you can simply search for those tags. There is also an About page and a Publishing Schedule page where you can see upcoming newsletter topics and dates through the rest of the year. I’ll be back to my regular newsletter schedule on August 4th and if you have any thoughts, concerns, ideas, or just things you want me to know, please do e-mail me at Otherwise, I’ll be spending another day hoping this cold goes away.